Following a comprehensive medical assessment, we can prescribe a personalised pain rehabilitation program from a short physiotherapy 6 session course through to a comprehensive 12 week multidisciplinary course. We treat not only your pain, but you and the effects that pain has on your life. We have translated the latest research evidence to power our programs of neuroscience and health education, cognitive skill training and specific neuromuscular exercises. We aim to teach you how to reduce and control your pain, teach you to live without pain and take charge of your life again.
Injections or surgery are not required.
Other aims are to reduce medication use, improve your ability to perform functional activities such as sitting, standing and walking, improve sleep and mood, return to your usual daily activities, return to recreational activities and return to work.
Your fitness, general and psychological health can all be significantly improved.
Complex chronic pain
Our multidisciplinary team can help you to unravel your pain condition and resolve common problems that arise with it such as sleep disorders, mood disorders, stress, difficulty working, loss of recreational activities and reduced enjoyment of life. Our treatment includes education, goal setting, exercise and cognitive strategies. We include graded motor imagery treatment when indicated.
Post-surgical pain
As pain lasting longer than 3 months after surgery is unlikely to change with standard treatments, we offer a neuroscience based multidisciplinary program of desensitisation, exercise and cognitive strategies to treat pain and start you on the road to recovery. This includes a review and rationalisation of medication, an activity based plan, return to work, recreation and sport management. We have particular expertise post spinal and shoulder surgery and following knee and hip joint replacement.
Spinal pain
We treat people with acute and chronic spinal pain involving the neck, thoracic region or lower back (and sometimes all three). We apply the latest neuroscience based exercise and cognitive strategies to reduce pain, improve function and activity and return people to work and recreation. We instruct you on safe postures, movements, exercise and activities, review medication use and support your healthy spine.
Musculoskeletal pain
Our approach is to not only treat the injured or painful joint, tendon or muscle but to treat the whole person including restoring normal limb function, normalising movements, restoring balance and improving mobility. We teach you how to exercise to reduce pain, how to maximise joint function and return to activities.
Pain and function in older adults
Our multidisciplinary team strategies work well to reduce pain and improve function in older adults. We also aim to reduce medication use, improve balance to prevent falls, improve fitness and strength, improve walking pattern and endurance. This will maximise independence, improve quality of life and help return people to their recreational pursuits and sports. Our programs are individually prescribed and combine aspects of cardiac, pulmonary, pain, neurological, falls and balance rehabilitation programs.
Neurological disease
Our programs are personally tailored to enhance your recovery using the exciting new principles of neuroplasticity (the ability to change how the brain and spinal cord function). This can improve balance, strength, walking and running ability, independence to perform your usual activities and aid in a return to sports and work. Featuring the new LSVT® BIG neuroplasticity program for Parkinson’s Disease with Darren Lau. This intensive program involves 1 hour training sessions, 4 days a week for 4 weeks.
Oncology rehabilitation
After a cancer treatment such as surgery, chemotherapy or radiotherapy has been completed, this rehabilitation program helps you get on with living. This program can help with pain management, fatigue management, help you set goals for your future, improve your fitness and strength, improve your mood and improve your quality of life. We can assist in returning you to work or recreation.
T (03) 9596 7211
F (03) 9596 7871
The Rehabilitation Medicine Group
441 Bay Street Brighton, Victoria, 3186